Previously, Jerusha ordered and stored all of the medical supplies at her house and brought them back/forth to the Home when she visited. Thanks to your contributions, we were finally able to design, build and designate a specific room for her that holds a desk, examination table/chair, and locked storage for all medical supplies and medication. This has created the privacy and proximity necessary for medical examinations to keep all of the children up-to-date on all medical requirements, stay ahead of the curve on any health issues that arise, and make it easier to maintain the general health and safety of the orphanage. This has become a special place where the kids can come when they are hurt or sick, and they are able to receive the immediate attention and loving care that they deserve. It's here that Jerusha wraps all of our "arms" around them.
RAISED: $860
Medical Visits from 2016 to Today
One of the things we realized early on in our trip was that we needed to find a way to get medical treatment on a consistent basis to these kids, and the healthcare itself needed to be improved. There was a very serious outbreak of scabies, ringworm & skin fungus among the kids that required immediate attention, and we knew our 12 days there wasn't going to be enough. They needed consistent follow-up & ongoing care, especially for the more urgent and serious medical cases.
When we were asked to speak to a group of nursing & community health students at a local university, a perfect partnership emerged. The Director there heard about what we were doing at the orphanage and wanted to be a part of it all. She decided to start a program that brings a volunteer doctor or dentist into our orphanage at least once a month, accompanied by her students, to administer medical care. This does two things: gives her students hands-on training in the field AND provides ongoing care at the orphanage. It couldn't be more perfect! The money we've raised for this program will cover transportation, medicine and other medical supplies.
RAISED: $28,800

One of the biggest problems we found on our very first visit to the Home was an outbreak of scabies. (You can skip this part if you’re squeamish but… scabies is caused by little bugs that lay eggs under your skin. When the eggs hatch, the bugs have to “eat” their way out which causes itching and rash.) The kids were suffering terribly so, needless to say, setting up fumigation visits was an early priority for us. Thanks to your donations, we were able to get the outbreak under control, treated each impacted child, and have been able to maintain a scabies-free home for the kids.
RAISED: $115

Something we noticed right away was the need for someone to focus on infant care. The workers were spread thin and so children as young as 6 and 7 years old were taking care of the babies. Diapers were full, and rashes were the result. Naps and feedings weren’t happening with any regularity. We soon found a beautiful soul named Hellen to fill the role of a nursery worker, and thanks to your donations, we were able to hire her onto the team permanently to ensure the best care for those babies. We've raised enough money to cover her monthly salary for years to come to ensure she's able to do everything she does for us!


At our first visit, the kids’ clothes were being washed by hand (a grueling and time-consuming job given the sheer amount of clothing). To dry, they were hung outside over the walls. Since it was rainy season, the clothes weren’t drying properly, and the damp clothing was causing a rampant skin fungus. Thanks to your support, we were able to upgrade the electricity at the home to support a commercial grade washer and dryer, improving hygiene and eradicating the fungus.
RAISED: $1,200
In Kenya, pupils study for free in primary schools, but they are required to pay for lunch, school uniforms/shoes, remedial exams, and field trips. Up until recently, our kids did not have the funds for these things. They would show up in bare feet or flip flops, sit hungry at lunch while others ate, and miss out on the field trips. When exam time came, teachers would tell the kids to run home and get the money they needed; they would leave and not return to school that day to avoid embarrassment - and would not be allowed to sit for their exams. Needless to say, this was costing the kids in their studies, not to mention the psychological and emotional impact it had. We have turned this around entirely now, making all their school expenses part of our monthly support, just as their medical treatment has been from day one.
RAISED: $2,238


RAISED: $680
Leg Surgery for Francis Juma
Francis was a street kid who stepped on a needle playing at the town dump. He was brought to us on the back of the man who found him. The needle had caused a contracted achilles tendon and excruciating pain. Surgery was needed to clip the tendon and allow for stretching and healing. Not only was Francis afforded this surgery (which was a success) but he has come to live with us at Good Samaritan and has found a sense of family.
Knee Surgery for John Owino
Sixteen-year-old John was brought to the Home by Doctors Without Borders medical team because they needed a place where they could monitor his health. His mother had died, leaving him in the care of his father (who was also sick and unable to care for him). He was severely malourished and was unable to walk due to a bent knee that was very painful and required surgery. That initial operation proved unsuccessful and he needed another, but funds were not available. Project Kazuri was able to make sure that he had the proper follow-up and the second surgery was successfully completed. John lives full time with us now and is growing and thriving.
RAISED: $690
When we first visited, the kids were eating on the floors in circles. Each circle was given one plate in the middle and the kids ate with their unwashed hands. There were no portions and it was each child for him or herself. My heart broke at this. This project and the money it raised has meant that we were able to set up a dining room with benches and tables to sit at. Plates and utensils were bought and implemented. Further, the kitchen chimney and stoves were in desperate need of repairs as well, and this raise was able to covers those needs as well. Our kids are eating happily and healthily, thanks to you!
RAISED: $3,556


We fell in love with a group of kids from this small village just outside the orphanage. We brought a big bag of donations there & spent the day offering free medical and chiropractic treatment. We let the girls braid our hair, painted their nails & played soccer. Just before we left, a young boy tapped one of us on the shoulder & asked about a pair of cleats he saw poking out of the donation bag. We learned that all of the boys play soccer, and that for most, it's their only hope of going to college one day, but none of them have the luxury of cleats. They wear tattered tennis shoes and slide all over the field... and STILL managed to be 3rd in the city.
Well, after nearly inciting a riot by giving him our only cleats, we realized we had to find a way to get them for all of the boys. So we asked the coach for a list of their names & sizes & committed to it. Within 24 hours, I had 3 lists for cleats for the older & younger boys' teams and sneakers for the girls... 86 pairs in all!
Thanks to donations from people like you, all 86 pairs were quickly purchased and delivered. If you could only have seen their faces!
RAISED: $1,200

This was an enormous need at the Home. The previous number of water tanks meant there was a very limited amount of water, clean or otherwise. Our team was doing their best to ration the water for any and all uses, including cooking, cleaning, bathing, etc. As you can imagine, this majorly impacted the quality of life for these children, and so resolving this and bringing more water to the Home has greatly improved things here from all angles. Thank you for making this happen!
RAISED: $1,547

The home was in dire need of organization, beginning with the clothing. The “clean” clothes were being tossed into a dark room on the floor and it was a free-for-all. Kids would grab whatever they could find, no matter boy/girl or if it was their size. We were able to have shelves built and labels made so that the workers could put the clean clothes in appropriate areas, and now this, paired with our washer/dryer, allows each child to have access to clothing that is both clean and fits them properly.
RAISED: $1,200


The entrance to the home was a mess and in dire need of repair. Thanks to your generosity, not only did the repairs give it a much-needed facelift, but they also improved drainage from the mud floors and improved overall hygiene.
RAISED: $155

The first floor of the Home was concrete once upon a time but it was cracked and covered in mud because of poor drainage. Once the wall repair was completed, we were able to clean and repair the concrete floors, set a new drain in place, and then buy proper flooring to lay down. Such an improvement!
RAISED: $1,785



The Home also had windows, but no glass...which, as you can imagine, meant cold, wind, rain, and endless mosquitos. Sealing these openings with proper glass has made a tremendous difference for the kids, both for safety and comfort.
Beyond that, the walls in the Home were basic dark, concrete blocks, and most had never been painted. The kids were so happy to choose bright colors for the different areas, and this one thing has uplifted the “face” of the home tremendously!
What a difference this project made, and all thanks to you!
RAISED: $1,932

With so many children living in the same place, a room had been assigned for quiet study and homework, but it was desperately crowded and in total disrepair… with broken furniture, poor lighting, no flooring (just broken concrete and mud), etc. This project meant a whole new space for the kids to study, learn and play in...and, hopefully down the road, even more computers/resources to further their educational exposure and accomplishment.
RAISED: $6,315



Due to many of your general donations, we've also been able to take care of countless smaller necessities around the Home that have changed life for these children. Below are just a few:
Installing fire extinguishers and emergency signage
Supplying new bedding and wall decorations for each child to make their space truly feel like theirs
Providing kitchen utensils and dishes
Purchasing a sewing machine
Supplying school uniforms